Red Carpet, Here I Come!

Red Carpet, Here I Come!

Bonjour my friends, Red Carpet, here I come! Carol from A French American Life (One of my favorite blogs out there), nominated me for a Liebster Award. I also want to thank a few other bloggers that previously nominated me for awards: La Petite Gourmande Anglaise, Running Sunflower and Monsieur Maman. I never got around to write … Continue reading

Caprese Tartine, with kids…

Caprese Tartine, with kids…

Bonjour my friends, This week’s recipe will be another “easy-to-make” one. I was trying find a recipe that would be easy and fast to make for parents. Last weekend, we (my husband and I) were babysitting for one of our friends. I’ve done my share of babysitting over the years so I’m sadly no stranger to … Continue reading

Salmon as Easy as Un, Deux, Trois

Salmon as Easy as Un, Deux, Trois

Bonjour my friends, It’s been a least 3 weeks since my last post. I try to post a recipe every week, but I have been so busy lately, blogging is sadly not at the top of my to-do list. And since I’ve been so busy, the cooking has to be easy, fast but still delicious. So … Continue reading

Chicken Fiesta

Chicken Fiesta

Bonjour my friends, Before I share my recipe of the week with you, I wanted to encourage you to go read one of my favorite blogger’s latest post: Running Sunflower. Shannon was at the Boston’s Marathon last week. She is a great runner and an awesome writer, and I found her post very moving and … Continue reading

Country Garden Beef Stew

Country Garden Beef Stew

Bonjour my friends, Spring is coming up, at least for some of us. Not to make any of you out there jealous, but I’m writing this post after taking a nice break on my sunny balcony sipping away a cold glass of apple cider… Granted, I’m in New Mexico. The weather is still deciding which … Continue reading

When Taxes meet Pasta…

When Taxes meet Pasta…

Bonjour my Friends, What a busy couple of weeks! I had so many things to do that blogging got moved to the end of my “To Do list”! Cooking is still a priority (a girl has got to eat!) but I am falling  behind on the writing part. One thing that steered me away from blogging … Continue reading

Beignets de Carnaval

Beignets de Carnaval

Bonjour my friends, Tuesday was Mardi Gras. In France, it’s carnival day, one of the most fun days of the year for kids. While growing up, we always celebrated carnival day. In my small village, all the kids would dress up and meet in the school courtyard. Then we would all walk together through the … Continue reading

Meatball Fiesta Stew

Meatball Fiesta Stew

Bonjour my friends, It has been a very busy and very cold week! Desperate times call for desperate measures… It’s time to use my slow cooker. Using a slow cooker is actually the opposite of desperate measures (I was going for the dramatic tone). I absolutely LOVE this thing. I have noticed that slow cookers … Continue reading

Frenchy Sandwich (façon Lucie)

Frenchy Sandwich (façon Lucie)

Bonjour my friends, I’m flying solo this week. My husband is out of town so it’s dinner for one instead of two (while watching the entire season 2 of Downton Abbey!) I’m use to cooking for myself. That is actually how I discovered my passion for cooking. It is less intimidating to try a new … Continue reading